
How Your Job Satisfaction Affects You

Areas of Your Life and What You Can Do About It.

Your job satisfaction could be inhibiting your attempts to improve your work-life balance, self esteem, relationships and health. You can change your work situation and your mindset to enhance your employment and other equally important areas of your life.

How lack of job satisfaction upsets your balance.

You have core emotional needs. These are certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution, as discovered by Anthony Robbins. You are subconsciously driven to meet these needs. Whether you meet them resourcefully or unresourcefully, is your choice. If your work situation meets little of these needs then it puts a lot of stress on meeting them outside work hours. If your need for significance (importance) is not met at work you may put undue pressure on your family to meet this need. If you don't have job security you may try to gain an unrealistic sense of security from your relationship. If you are not growing and learning at work, creating a few unnecessary dramas at home may provide the challenge you are looking for.

How job satisfaction affects your self esteem.

Your self esteem is raised through having employment that you enjoy and which utilizes your individual skills and talents. When you are respected and valued in your work place you naturally feel worthy. When you manifest enjoyable employment it makes it easier for you to manifest other quality experiences outside of work. Your job satisfaction can be a barometer for what you think you deserve.

How your job satisfaction affects your health and relationships

When you are happy at work your stress levels are lower which improves your health and you cope better with challenges outside of work. When you come home from an enjoyable day's work you are happier to be around, you feel more satisfied and content and this rubs off on your family. Working in a rewarding occupation provides a good role model for your children; modeling to them that they too deserve to have fulfilling employment.

So what can you do about your level of job satisfaction?

Change your thinking

Changing your thinking is the first step because you will take your thinking with you to any employment you choose.

To change you're thinking:

  • Write a list of all the things to be grateful for in your job. What does it give you?
  • Compare your employment with something that would be worse.
  • Find ways to reduce your stressful thinking e.g.
  • "In the big scheme of things, how important is this task"
  • What do you need to accept that you wish was different.
  • Take one day at a time
  • Focus on the activities that serve you and bring you pleasure.
  • Know that the only thing consistent is change. This employment may not be forever.
  • Being aware if your expectations are realistic.

Begin the process of changing jobs

  • Raise your expectations of what you deserve.
  • Discover what limiting beliefs or patterns are holding you back from having the employment you would like.
  • Start looking for the options and possibilities that you haven't noticed before. What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail?
  • Ask yourself: What will it cost me if I stay here for the next five to ten? What has it cost me so far? How good will it be for me and my family if I move onto something I love.

The extent to which job satisfaction affects work-life balance, self esteem, health and relationships will be different for everyone. You decide if it is at a level that serves you and your family. If you find it's not serving you, you need to change your thinking, your situation, or a mixture of both. Improving your level of job satisfaction can make a dramatic difference to other major areas of your life.

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