
Changing the World

Every moment life prepares and presents to us a smorgasbord of opportunities that entice us to embrace or betray our true selves. If we are not careful, we are lured into comfort, into a place where we readily trade our independence, our ideas, our health and even our self worth for the feeling of security, the ambience of wealth, the illusion of being respected by others. If we are not diligent, we will find ourselves in the same predicament as Judas, selling our beliefs, our spirituality for a few pieces of silver. We find it easier to become absorbed with appearances. We quickly forget who we are and how powerful we are.

Every time we allow ourselves to speak negatively about our finances, money, health, jobs, family etc, we bound our intentions and our vibrations with the creative life force. This will ensure our experiences are filled with lack and limitation. If we persist, our lives, our communities will continue to be filled with crime, poverty and illness. Breaking the spell is critical to our transformation, our resurrection, our success. Because our vibration extends far beyond our physical bodies, we have the power to change the world.

Changing the world is easier than we believe. A good place to start is to affirm the goodness in life. Most conversations are filled with all that is wrong with our lives. Vow to talk about what is right with your life. The more you affirm the good things, the more the Universe will ensure you have good to talk about. It will not be long before you are experiencing round the clock blessings. Decide who you will serve. We say we believe in God, but all we seem to talk about is "the devil". We do "good" things because we fear the consequences.

Start to eliminate any belief you have in dual powers. There is only one power and that power is God. Embrace change. Because we must evolve beyond our current existence, change is mandatory.

The creation of a life that is filled with an abundance of financial prosperity is a by-product of the coalescence of choices and actions that have nothing to do with money, i.e., being of service to others; being kind to everyone, including yourself; acknowledging the blessings that are overflowing in your life's experience; thanking the Universe for the life you have now for it is this life that will serve as the springboard to the new life you crave.

When gratitude becomes the anchor of your life, the Universe will make certain that you will have a lot for which to be thankful. It will not fail you or forsake you.

If you live each day as an "adventure", you will give birth to extraordinary qualities. Then you will be able to change the world.

Live the life you have imagined. Dream Big. Life is too short to drink cheap champagne.

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