
Change Your Life With The Power Of Positive Affirmations

What Is an Affirmation?

An empowering statement that, when repeated on a consistent basis, is accepted as truth within the subconscious mind. For example, if you're insecure about your weight you might use the affirmation "Everyday I am effortlessly getting closer to my weight loss goal". If you lack confidence in a social environment you could affirm "By being myself, I effortlessly build lasting connections with everyone". Any fear you may have, any doubt, insecurity or limiting belief can be overcome by using affirmations. In addition, you can use affirmations as a sort of "magnet". Affirmations such as "money flows to me naturally and effortless", or "I am attracting my soul mate to me now" have an astounding effect. In short, a positive affirmation is used to reprogram your subconscious mind, empowering you in every area of your life.

What's The Big Deal?

Your subconscious mind makes 96-98% of your decisions for you, without you being consciously aware of it at all. So, if your subconscious mind is holding on to a limiting belief or a superfluous fear (such as fear of social interaction) you will be led to decisions that don't reflect what you truly desire. This is where affirmations come in! The only one who can make you believe a negative or limiting thought is you. Luckily, you can make your subconscious mind believe what you want it to believe. When you do this, you become what you are truly capable of. You will do bolder things, be more optimistic, create the reality you want and live a better life. So, on to the important part!

How To Do Affirmations

Pick out your list of a few positive affirmations to replace your negative beliefs with. You can recite these to yourself at any time throughout your day, as long as you're able to focus intently on the words and their meaning.

Relax your body. Take a few deep breaths and quiet your mind. Release all of the meaningless mental chatter and focus on your affirmations.

As you say each affirmation, try to actually feel the emotion that would come with this belief.

Visualize being this true version of yourself. Know that this is who you really are, you just need your subconscious mind to get on board!

Say each affirmation with intent and purpose. If your affirmations start to become a "chore", they will instantly lose their effectiveness.
Pro Tips

Say each affirmation as if it is already true. Your subconscious mind is most receptive to the present tense.

Believe each affirmation to be true, rather than hoping it will one day be true. "Fake it 'til you make it". Your subconscious mind will accept these statements much easier this way.

Spend at least 5 minutes per day per affirmation if you want to make any difference. It is for this reason that it's recommended to only have a few affirmations in the beginning.

Meditate! When in a meditative state, you are able to access your subconscious mind much easier. Doing Affirmations while in meditation is thought by many to increase their effectiveness by as much as ten times!

The average consensus is that it takes around 60-90 days for the subconscious mind to accept an affirmation as truth. You can not skip even one day, or the process will restart. Be consistent!

Once you have changed your belief effectively, don't stop affirming! This is where many go wrong. You are constantly picking up new beliefs from your everyday environment. To have lasting beliefs that you actually want, you must constantly maintain them.
Unleash Your Potential

When your realize that your thoughts and beliefs create your reality, you have within you an unlimited power to do absolutely anything. You must actively work to rid your mind of self doubt and fear. Once you achieve this, you are truly an unlimited being. You are given this power at birth, and it is waiting to be used!

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