
Nine Nifty Nudges

Sometimes Life throws things in our direction with no thought as to how we're supposed to add yet more to our plates each day. Here's just a quick sharing of ways to cope based on some of the numerous issues that have come my way recently...

Archive paperwork and data you don't need front-and-center any more: I just moved all our documentation pertaining to Jim's mother's finances, health, etc. to a file in the garage for safekeeping.

Share your knowledge (when asked) and help others: I've offered help to a former colleague as he attacks boxes with years of paperwork so he can get onto enjoying his retirement.

Tackle your projects in a timely manner: happily, our taxes are now filed; refund received; file backup stored with other archived taxes in less 'valuable real estate' in the garage.

Be ready to 'adjust and adapt' at any time: family phone, computer and 'real time' are all a bit crazy right now as we assist my mum with preparation for and recovery from hip replacement surgery.
Opt-out and unsubscribe from emails you don't read or don't have time to read anymore - except this one, of course!
Turn off all pings, prompters and other ploys of distraction that keep you from focusing on the project at the moment: I've found myself surfing way too much lately because of certain enticing 'clicks' I see and have been wasting too much time. Even though I've not had these prompters on for years, when you are 'wanting' to be distracted, the Internet is there for you!

Employ the "20-second Rule" to help guide you into better habits: I'm moving my exercise DVD player for easier access so I have less of an excuse for not using my mini-trampoline. Shawn Achor, "The Happiness Advantage," uses this as one of his primary principles.

Action, not just thinking, planning and postponing, will get the results you're aiming for: learning how to use my new website won't happen by worrying about it - get in and do the work!
Organizing is not static, but a continual process: as I morph into caretaker for more of my mother's finances, I've had to start using a binder just to document conversations and move all her paperwork into a larger file carrier.
If you can see yourself in just one of these scenarios then I'm so happy to have shared and provided a bit of a nudge toward completion of something you've been wanting to get accomplished. Wahoo! Here's to your organizing success!

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