
It Is Enough to Do My Best

We are all aware that we have to deal with challenges, obstacles, and hardships throughout our lives. Indeed, it is this awareness that fuels some of our negativity. Negative thinking is what holds us back in our lives. If we allow it to penetrate our thinking, it's like condemning ourselves to quicksand. The key to knowing, unlocking, and exercising your true potential, lies in addressing the negative thoughts that plague you.

Let's stop for a moment, is it really right to label challenges or hardships negatively? What most people fail to see is that these difficulties are necessary. They are the catalyst that drive us to learn, strive, do our best, and, in the process, grow.

When you start seeing hardship in a completely different light, then you would practically be erasing a large chunk of negativity from your life. And, once you start leaning more towards optimism, you'd also find that it won't be as difficult anymore to start taking action and solving your challenges. As you learn to be more positive, you also begin to understand the value of doing your best in everything that you do.

Charles Bukowski, in his poem, "Roll the Dice", says, "If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start." "Going all the way" means commitment, you are committed to do what it takes to reach your goals and dreams, and there is no feeling like it, because you are all in, winning or losing. It is the journey, including the struggles, that is memorable, which makes the reward all the more fulfilling.

Always keep in mind that positive thinking goes hand in hand with finding the will to apply yourself to the best of your abilities, while being confident that it's all you'll ever need to do, to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Because with this kind of mindset, the sky (the mind) is, and always will be the limit for you. At this point in time, letting the storm of events control you, only leads to a troubled heart, which definitely does not make your life any better. How can one stay calm in situations like these? Right when the storm is raging and threatening to ultimately destroy you? The only way is through achieving inner peace.

We all have a connection to a higher power. In times like these, take time and connect with your inner power. Imagine handing over the challenges of your life.

A beautiful state where you can be calm and strong no matter what kind of turmoil is going on around you. You can reach it by putting your trust, complete confidence, and faith in the higher power. The power you can rely on and that is there for you in the most drastic and impossible situations

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