
Is It a Dream Or Is It a Goal? Make It Happen

So when does a dream become a goal and what is the difference? I have been pondering on the question and I think a dream begins with a fleeting idea, grows into a dream with persistent attention and becomes a goal when it expands into a passion with a date for completion and is written down. When it is finally achieved it becomes a dream achieved. What do you think?

The thought came to mind when I was contemplating my dreams/goals for this year. I'm on a roll now, for the last few years we have been planning a dream to winter in the sun and my dream to set up an online business. Those are achieved, here we are wintering in the sun, living our dream, so I was contemplating what next?

The only frustrating thing for me this winter is not being able to drive here. My little Micra is sitting back in England waiting for my return. Here my partner's huge estate, (I feel I can't even see over the dashboard), sits by the curb taunting me. I don't have my driving documents here anyway and they have to be carried at all times when driving in Spain.

So one goal is to have a fiat 500 or similar here next winter, yes and another dream for the autumn is to visit my son and family in Australia. It must be 15 years since I was last out there and I'm sure my partner will enjoy the barrier reef.

Oh yes, and one more goal for this year, to be completed by 1st May when we return to England for the summer. I have nearly 300 articles written over the last couple of years, they need a new lease of life so I am putting them onto Kindle, before we return.

As I only work in the mornings on my business leaving time for other things that will be quite a feat, with the other tasks required, but I love a challenge!

So what is my hobby business? Affiliate marketing, you too could have an internet business to bring you extra cash, that will grow over the months and give you an exciting new challenge and interest.

The easiest way to start online is affiliate marketing, with the guidance of a mentor provides products, sales pages and training. So with the reduced early learning curve you can start earning whilst you are learning the techniques. You work to the formula set by the mentor, and with the comradeship of fellow budding entrepreneurs, making your start-up easier and quicker.

Begin 2016 with an exciting rewarding challenge!

Books to help you on your way

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.

"Ask for the Moon and Get It!" by Percy Ross

"Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins.

"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy.

"Getting what you Want" by J H Brennan.

"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.

"99 Ways to flood Your Website With Traffic" by Mick Macro

"Microsoft Windows 8 Made Easy" by James Stables

Hello My name is Anne

So if you really are Serious about Replacing Your Day-Job & Working at Home

LOOK NOW at my Mentor - Sarah Staar's AMAZING VIDEO COURSES showing you

exactly how she has become a SUPER AFFILIATE and HOW YOU CAN TOO!

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