
The 17 Choices That Will Change Your Life

Many people approach life with the perspective that life is just hard and dreams are for fools. Although there are unavoidable challenges, they don’t have to define your existence. If you embrace these 17 principles, they will actually change your life.

1. Celebrate your victories.

When something positive happens, take some time to celebrate. It could be as simple as dinner with your team or as elaborate as a vacation away with your spouse. Celebration reminds you that effort deserves reward.

2. Embrace change as an agent of growth.

Be the person who looks forward to change. If it’s time for a new career or a move away from home, get excited about the possibilities! Taking advantage of change will put you ahead of the pack. Success comes from being a change initiator.

3. Design the life you want.

What happens this year depends what you plan. Set aside time at the beginning of the year to decide how you want things to look at the end. Look at all major areas: family, career, health, and social relationships. Create small actions to carry out daily, weekly, and monthly to make it happen. Review and adjust regularly as you progress.

4. Live each day with determination.

Setbacks will come. You must determine ahead of time that you will move forward no matter the circumstances. At every point of decision ask yourself, “Will this move me closer to my goals?” If not, then set it aside.

5. Exercise regularly and vigorously.

There is no feeling like the high just after a great workout. In addition, a healthy body makes everything easier. Put together a fitness regimen with physical goals. Maybe you could run your first 5K or join friends in a regular game of basketball. Just get out and move.

6. Make friends with failure.

Success is only reached through failure. Don’t just embrace failure, run toward it. The faster you fail, the faster you succeed! When you get rejected, you learn what doesn't work and how to adjust your tactics.

7. Have faith that you're not alone.

Know there is more to this life than you can see. Work to help others have hope.

8. Prioritize your family.

Love your family and be there for them. Give them the best of your time each day. Success is of no value unless it can be shared with those you love. Remember that family can be more than just those related by flesh and blood.

9. Make fear your target.

Fear is often a construct of our own minds and only has the power given by us. Fear feeds on time so move quickly toward your goals and fear will be left behind. Look back on your life. You'll see every great success came by running through fear.

10. Forgive others and yourself.

Resentment only hurts the person who holds it in their heart. Forgive those who have wronged you and you will be the one to feel freedom. Above all, forgive yourself.

11. Shower the world with grace.

Assume others mean you no harm. Grant them grace when they fail. Follow the Golden Rule and treat them as you would like to be treated.

12. Commit to continual growth.

Most people stop learning when a teacher is no longer making them. Without growth, stagnation is inevitable. Take time every day to feed your mind and soul by reading and listening to positive information. What you accomplish depends on what you're telling yourself. Growth fuels success by opening your mind to greater possibilities.

13. Choose to be a person of joy.

How much you enjoy life depends on how much you decide to enjoy life. Remove negative influences, whether they're people or media. Choose to love life. Share your joy with others and your own will increase.

14. Center your life on peace.

Give yourself regular times of peace to rest and reflect. Get enough sleep to renew your mind and body. Allow yourself opportunities to step back from the hard work of building your dream to maintain a healthy balance.

15. Find and live your purpose.

Take time to reflect inward on what gives you the greatest joy. This is likely your purpose. Use it to make the world a better place. Find ways to improve the lives of others and lighten their burdens.

16. Release your past for good.

Let go of anything from your past that is holding you back. Harboring old hurts, abuses, or pain will only slow you down. Don’t let what others say or think slow you down. Release it and know that you can start again and have the success you believe is possible.

17. Take action to change your life.

Nothing else matters if you don’t take action. Determine that 2016 is the year you will do something, every day, that brings you closer to the dream you have for yourself and your family. Take action … and do it now.

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