
Relevant Leaders Must Always IMPROVE

One of the most significant differences between the ordinary, versus the extraordinary individuals in positions of leadership, is whether someone merely accepts whatever results present themselves, as opposed to never settling for the status quo, or mediocre, but rather demanding their own, personal, highest degree of excellence. Great leaders realize that no one knows everything, nor always succeeds to the highest degree. Rather, it is how one adapts, improves, perceives, and proactively acts, reacts, and behaves! Regardless of one's intellect, skills, assets or abilities, if you want to be an effective leader, you must choose relevance, rather than whatever, planning rather than haphazardly proceeding, and embracing continuous training, taking it to heart and actually learning, transforming it to expertise (by combining it with meaningful experience), and then to greater wisdom, which will provide additional judgment, in order to make decisions, in a timely, well-informed manner. Therefore, if you want to be a relevant leader, you must constantly IMPROVE.

1. Integrity; ideas; interest: You can't fake it, and actually be a relevant, nor effective leader! One must maintain absolute integrity, by always behaving as if others are watching constantly, and must make that commitment his highest priority. It must be remembered that while it takes quite a while to get others to trust and believe in you, it generally takes but one mis-step to turn them off forever! Combining that behavior and mindset, with focusing on ideas which are solutions-oriented, and gain the interest of those you serve, is a necessity of effective, relevant leadership!

2. Motivate; mention: Always remember that, for most people, their favorite sound, is hearing their own name, and voice! True leaders go out of their way to acknowledge and thank everyone, by name and with sincerity, because it is not only the right thing to do, but it also creates a strong bond, between the leader and constituent. How can you motivate others if you don't constantly proceed with the highest degree of personal motivation, and that will only occur, if you feel you are making a sincere effort to improve the group?

3. Priorities; perceptions; planning: Consider alternatives carefully, and develop priorities, which will propel you, and your organization forward. Objective introspection, so you differentiate and understand the differences between perceptions and reality, must be an essential component of your planning process! How can you become better if you don't have objectives and priorities, focused on improvement?

4. Relevant; reasoning: What does relevance mean, as it relates to being an effective leader? The process begins with close examination, effective listening, and developing a better understanding of the past, present and future of your group. How effective is your reasoning ability, and how do you know? What questions do you constantly ask, in order to assure your personal best?

5. Options; opportunities: There is always more than one alternative, even if closed-minded leaders often don't recognize or consider them! Consider your options, and create and utilize opportunities!

6. Vital, vibrant vision: In order to be relevant, you must have a vital, vibrant vision, that drives both you, as well as those you serves! Seek quality, and being the best!

7. Empathy; energy; excellence; enrich: It must be about those you serve, and not merely about you. Proceed with an emphasis on empathy, use maximum energy, seek excellence and quality, and hope to enrich the experiences of your stakeholders!

You can't be a great leader unless you are relevant. However, no one can hope for excellence or relevance, without doing all he can, to constantly and consistently IMPROVE!

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