
Reframe, Recharge, Rejuvenate!

At what point in your life are you the best version of you? When you were a child, who influenced you the most? Were you influenced more by your mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather or a combination of all these people? Did you have challenges because you were exposed to bullies in school, parental high standards, drugs, alcohol, mental or physical abuse? Or maybe, whatever marks you got in school were never high enough? Do you ever wonder if maybe the adults in your life were trying to make their life better, through you? Do you ever celebrate that you are utterly unique? Do you ever stop and congratulate yourself for being true to yourself? Do you ever consider that the world needs creative thinkers, inventors and innovators to help make the world a better place?

Take this moment in time and celebrate the good you have done in your life. When was the last time you took time to, 'fill up your cup' and congratulate yourself for all that you do. When was the last time you meditated and quieted your mind? The reason I ask is this; life is busy. You may be caught up trying to make a living, save money, support loved ones and leave a legacy. Sometimes, you may lose yourself in all that you need to do. Sometimes, you may get weary. If you are fatigued, lets come up with some ways that you can reframe, recharge, rejuvenate! Here are a few suggestions. Feel free to come up with your own ideas.

1. Practice EFT, (Emotional Freedom Technique) each morning. It takes minutes to do. It's free and it makes you feel fabulous. If you have never heard of EFT I suggest you Google it. One of my favorite books is called, 'Attracting Abundance with EFT' by Carol Look. (1.)

2. Take part of a day of the week, or weekend and find some quiet time to go swimming, do yoga, listen to music, meditate, write a journal, or whatever makes you happy.

3. I know of a lady who, when purchasing her coffee in the morning, buys one for the person behind her. This act of kindness puts a smile on her face and that of the recipient. What a great way to start the day!

4. Make a date with your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend to reconnect, if both your schedules have been hectic.

5. If you know an elderly person who is a, 'shut-in' send them a card in the mail saying how much you appreciate them. I have no doubt it will make their day.

6. Volunteer for meals on wheels.

7. Buy a homeless person a meal.

8. Practice being grateful for all the good in your life, upon rising in the morning. It is a great way to start the day. Being grateful, attracts more things in your life to be grateful for.

9. Give your kids, husband, wife, grandparents, grandchildren a hug every day.

10. If you see a person trying to change a flat tire and you are able to help, do so.

My point is this; there are an infinite number of things you may do to reframe, recharge and rejuvenate. These things do not need to be expensive. No matter what is happening in your life, be grateful for all the good there is in it. If you want to be happy, be kind to someone without any expectation of reciprocation. If you want to feel wealthy, feel wealthy now. You may find practicing EFT for abundance is fun to do and this technique may yield spectacular results. Above all, take care of yourself. Life is busy. Sometimes you get caught up in it and forget that the most important person is you.

Take time to reframe, recharge and rejuvenate! Have an amazing week!

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