
How To Be Happy Twenty Four Hours a Day

You can experience true happiness. Can it really be true?

There are books written on the subject. How to experience true happiness is something every one has thought about, one time or another. Do you want to find long lasting, day in, the day out peace of mind we describe as being happy?

Many find happiness every now and then. Some are happy more than not. Some are sad more than not. Did you know that happiness is something we can have 24 hours a day?

Happiness is also free of charge. Yes its one thing that truly comes at no cost, with no strings attached, no risk of being hurt, its real. Happiness is not only free is freeing. It's close to home and heart.

And best of all, the source of happiness is easily accessed, and it works. There's a source of happiness everyone can call on any time, day or night, and under the most distressing circumstances. Where is it? Making the statement that happiness is something we can have 24 hours a day, is a big claim.

The mere suggestion that happiness is available 24 / 7 is often negated. Many speak negatively of happiness and are forever jaded and torn because of it. But the simple fact is real. Happiness is super easy to attain. Are you laughing? Yes its easy! The source of happiness is something we each have, but many do not tap.

What is the source of happiness?

The source of happiness is simply a way of thinking.

Does this mean you will never be unhappy? Hardly. There will be hard times. There is no escape from unhappy or sad thoughts. Worry or concern will creep in to your thoughts. Take action. You've got nothing to lose by throwing the negative thought aside, and live happy. Make today happy by excusing unhappy thoughts. Replace the excused unhappy thoughts, with positive thinking. Here's how it works.

Here is a major force and source of happiness

Control negative thoughts

This is big!

Controlling negative thoughts, and living for today only is one source of happiness. Living in the moment is a mind blowing source of true happiness. Don't think about yesterday, don't worry about tomorrow. Sure, we need to plan our lives based on past experiences, but when the experiences are painful, we can step outside of the negative thoughts, and make a whole new today.

Remove yourself from pain

Try it. The next time you feel any source of pain, remove yourself from it. Say to yourself, you have no control over the pain, but you do have control over being happy. Accept the pain, think on positive things and move on quickly.

For severe pain, the pain will creep in again and again. Each time the pain creeps in, remove it yet again, but this time more forcefully. Say to yourself, that you refuse to think on things that hurt you. Control negative thoughts.

How to recover from pain

Case study (myself)

Here's an example. A friend has hurt you badly. You feel bad every time you are around this person, and memories of the pain creep in even when they are not around.

How do you recover from overwhelming or uncontrollable pain?

Of course, there are different kinds of pain. But, did you know we are remarkably made, and can recover from any type of pain, even the worst pain? Our bodies are made so that automatic healing takes place the minute the skin is ruptured. Our minds are made in such a way, that certain memories or pain can be shut off, and eventually removed.

Step one in recovering from minor or major pain

In the case study of myself, I used this method.

The minute you feel agony and your stomach muscles expand, and or begin to cry, remember why you chose to remain the persons friend to begin with. Get up, walk away, go into another room or space, calm yourself. Relax and think of anything good. If you are struggling with being hurt by a friend, remember why you forgave and chose to forgive and forget.

Remember that forgiveness existed, in order to put the pain aside. Once forgiveness took place, the promise to start over with a clean slate is the only thing to think about. Nothing else matters.

It is natural to remember pain, even when you have already forgiven. Knowing this, helps us to understand that these feelings of hurt will reoccur for a while. Each time the feelings come up, repeat the steps. Eventually the pain will be forgotten, and new pain will exist for you to remove.

Remember, as soon as a bad memory slips in, you have forgotten the past. Quickly respect yourself and the person who you feel hurt you, and think on something positive.

Once the example steps are practiced, over time the pain or hurt you have experienced, will become a distant memory, and rightfully so. No one is perfect, and no one deserves for others to hold their worst experiences against them forever.

If for some reason you have determined a person is not a good association, then move on with love. Do not say negative or mean things, even if you feel justified. Bad associations are not good ones. Its simple, remove yourself. We'll cover the topic of how to surround ourselves with people who enhance us vs. hurt us later on in this article.

Nature is a source of true peace

Nature is another source of true happiness. That's right, the natural environment around us has been inspiring happy sentimental souls for centuries. Getting close to nature has been proven an effective method of shifting focus away from yourself, problems or emotions making you feel bad.

Depressed people tend to sit, sleep or hang around lifeless. It feels terrible to have no feeling of life inside us, no energy, no enthusiasm. Happy people will get up, get out, enjoy life and nature. Imagine for a moment that you are happy. Make a strong, full-minded attempt to get up, get moving and get into a natural, awe-inspiring environment.

Discover your own surroundings, your home, your personal space, your front porch or your neighborhood park. Sit and enjoy the sights, sounds. Take a trip to the mountains where you could sit for a lifetime and never get sick of the view. Drive in your car with the windows down, and enjoy the landscape or simply take a walk.

Don't neglect walking. Those who refuse to walk, have neglected the feeling and positive effects of more energy and better mental attitude by moving their bodies every day. It doesn't matter where you live. Nature is there right alongside you. And beauty can be found everywhere, even in the concrete jungle or bigger cities.

Anywhere you can find nature, in any form; you've found a potential source of happiness.

Where to focus your thoughts

The key is where you focus your thoughts. Don't sit on the beach worrying about your financial problems or the latest drama with your family or friends. Whatever problem your mind is focused on, just turn it off. Take your mental focus off yourself and direct it to your natural surroundings.

Take attention away from yourself. If you haven't noticed, taking attention away from yourself has been mentioned more than once in this article. The happiest people in the world, focus attention on self by focusing their attentions on others first. The happiest people understand the true happiness of helping deserving others find the same happiness.

Have others asked why you are so happy?

Live your life in such a way that people ask you, "How are you so happy?". You never have to preach or explain too much. When others see your way of life and how it works, they'll already be convinced that you have something special, a secret they will be intent to find out.

And good for them. If someone is seeking happiness, they will find it.

How the people who surround you effect your true happiness

This is bigger than big. A genuine source of unhappiness, is the people we are around the most. "Bad associations have always been dangerous". Take a look at people around you. Do they react negatively, complain, talk about others, impatient, and typically negative? Remember, you can't choose family, but you can choose friends. And if family members are negative, you can still interact in love when you are around them.

By taking a quick assessment of the type of people you hang with, will also help you separate bad associations or friends from better associations, more positive friends. Watch how the people around you, your closest friends, family and co-workers react, or act in all situations. Are they easily frustrated?

Are the people in your life genuinely good people? Do your closest friends try each day, each and every day to make a positive influence on other, to make the world and their life, and the lives of others around them a better place? Even the slightest negativity can destroy an otherwise happy day.

Pay close attention on positive associations, making your life mimic theirs, and distract or slowly remove your attentions from anyone else.

Be gracious and kind

Look at the world with love and gratitude. Being gracious and kind is the type of seeds to be sewing in a world that understands karma only too well. Say "thank you" to the life that exists all around you, for every good thing. It's impossible to be depressed while you're expressing true love. It's impossible to be sad while you're expressing true gratitude. Make being gracious and kind a way of life, and you will quickly see your life becoming happy, and happier.

In conclusion you can be happy by controlling your thoughts, getting up and out to enjoy nature, and picking great friends to include on your very happiest journey's through life. Enjoy every minute of every day and be happy. You will love the true freedom that comes with true happiness. tap into the sources of true happiness now and enjoy.

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