
The Best-Kept Secret to Getting Unstuck: Core Feelings

At 34 years old, Garrett is doing well in life. He has a good job and a girlfriend who he hopes to marry. So Garrett is confused about why, each time he is alone, a sad feeling sneaks up on him. To prevent this from happening, Garrett stays as busy as he possibly can. He avoids being home alone, driving alone, or being unoccupied. When he is forced to be, he always cranks up his music or has a TV show playing on a screen to distract him.
Jolene is very intelligent and has loads of potential. But she lives alone in a dingy apartment, and struggles to earn a living as the office manager of a failing business. Jolene is frustrated by her circumstances, yet she is held back from trying for anything more. She will do anything to avoid a painful feeling that overcomes her each time she thinks about taking a risk like starting college, applying for a better job, or going on a date. So she never thinks about it.
Lizzy is a 48-year-old Executive Chef at a thriving, popular restaurant. She runs the restaurant with clean efficiency, and kindness toward all who work for her. People see Lizzy as competent , confident and happy. But inside, she struggles. When something goes wrong (as it often does) in her large, busy kitchen, Lizzy immediately gets a very unpleasant feeling inside of her which stays the whole day. Lizzy works long and hard to prevent errors and oversights so that she won’t have to feel that bad feeling.
At first glimpse Garrett, Jolene and Lizzy might seem to have little in common. But they are exactly alike in one very key way: They all have a Core Feeling which has power over them, and it affects how they are living their lives. And none of them is consciously aware that this is happening.
In truth, Core Feelings dwell all around you. In the people you know, in your family and friends: everywhere. But no one talks about Core Feelings. Only therapists use this term, and yet becoming aware of your Core Feeling can change how you live your life.
Core Feeling is a powerful emotion that’s based in your childhood, and which comes and goes throughout your lifespan.
Children are like little computers whose brains are being programmed by their parents. The “software” for their lives is being set up by their parents and their families; the rules, expectations, feelings and values that surround the child are absorbed into his little brain. This all gets wired into him. It becomes a part of who he is. It defines a big part of who he will become as an adult. It becomes a part of what he will feel as an adult.
A Core Feeling is the one emotion that you experienced the most often, or intensely, growing up. It becomes embedded into the software of your brain. As an adult this feeling is very real, and can at times be very strong.
Throughout the decades of your life, you are not always feeling it. But it dogs you. It hangs around at the sidelines waiting to break through to you. It tends to come, unbidden, when you’re alone, undistracted, or otherwise vulnerable to it. Or it gets touched off by specific current events that activate it.
Not everyone has a Core Feeling, but many people do. Therapists know about Core Feelings, and often identify them in their patients. Typically, though, they are viewed as an unpleasant burden. Most folks hope that if they avoid and ignore their core feeling, it will eventually go away.
Unfortunately, however, nothing could be further from the truth:
3 Surprising Facts About Your Core Feeling:
  • Your Core Feeling is a pipeline to your childhood. It represents unresolved issues from the past. It has great value to you.
  • When you avoid and ignore your Core Feeling, you are actually making it stronger.
  • The only way to make your Core Feeling go away is to allow yourself to feel it, discern its message, and process it.
To understand how a Core Feeling develops, check back for my future blog which will describe exactly how Garrett, Jolene and Lizzy got theirs, and how each processes it.
But now I’d like to focus on what to do with yours if you have one.
The 7 Steps to Process A Core Feeling:
  1. Become aware of your Core Feeling. Find the words to describe it.
  2. Pay attention to notice when you’re feeling it. Is it at certain times, or when you’re with certain people, or under particular circumstances?
  3. Stop avoiding or fighting the feeling. When it comes, make an effort to sit with it, tolerate it and feel it. Even the most painful Core Feelings must be felt and processed.
  4. As you sit with the feeling, think about when you experienced this feeling as a child. Think about what in your current life touches it off. If you can, write your thoughts as you sit with it.
  5. Ask yourself what messages the feeling might be bringing to you. What does this feeling say about you? Why did you feel this as a child?
  6. Share your Core Feeling and your thoughts about it with a trusted person.
  7. See if you can bring your Core Feeling on. This is a part of taking control of it.
Welcoming, accepting and sorting through your Core Feeling is a way to manage it. Essentially, you are stopping it from controlling you. You’re turning the tables, and are taking control of it.
By listening to its message, you are building your emotional strength by increasing your tolerance for pain; you’re building your self-knowledge by understanding yourself better. And you’re increasing your emotional health by working through an unresolved issue.
In other words, when you’re tired of running, turn around and face it.

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