
Make These 5 Mistakes If You Really Want to be Successful

If you really want success, try making some classic mistakes.

If you are starting up a new enterprise or looking to race up the company hierarchy, you're likely to be worried about making career mistakes. Basic mistakes such as missing deadlines or gossiping about the boss are probably going to have a negative impact on your progress.
However, there are some snafus that can actually help you on your path. Here are five career mistakes that could make you a better worker and more successful entrepreneur.

1) Getting Engrossed in Social Media

While social media interaction can be fraught with potentially career damaging mistakes, getting engrossed in social media can make you a more successful entrepreneur, or even help you find a better job more easily. Many recruiters use social media platforms to look for additional candidate information.
Social media interaction can be a great way to develop valuable networking skills, or get a good sense of what your target market is like, which are both essential when developing your new enterprise. Building a presence on social media channels may look like a waste of time to more traditional coworkers, but it can raise your profile and your career prospects. Just be careful with your posts and keep it positive and professional.

2) Socializing With Co-Workers

Work-related events out of the office and even company retreats can be a source of great embarrassment, often because of alcohol-related activities. Most people have experienced the embarrassment of coming into work after letting their hair down a little too much. If you find yourself socializing with one particular work group more often because of social activities, this can contribute to the development of cliques, which can be harmful to office morale.
While these aspects of socializing with coworkers can be problematic, your work colleagues can be a great source of support. They can help you develop diplomacy skills and other tools needed in the politics of your field or in developing an enterprise. Just take care not to align yourself with one particular group. Mix up your socializing routine a little to maintain a range of allies and resources.

3) Accepting Make-Ends-Meet Positions

Most of us will find ourselves struggling to secure a position in our career path at some point. Settling for a job just to make ends meet can be tough for many of us who once held an impressive rank at a top company, but nothing lasts forever except for change. It may be sad or frustrating to take a job that you might have once thought was "below" you, but forget about that. These types of positions can be beneficial.
If you currently have a lower level sales floor position or job waiting tables, you probably won't want to focus on those when you interview for higher profile work. However, you can use these more humble positions to your advantage. They can help you break out of your shell, encourage you to be a better listener and help you develop the drive you need to establish a successful enterprise.

4) Ditching the Pros and Cons Lists

Many experts believe that creating pros and cons lists for potential jobs or projects can be a great tool for making a rational and informed decision. Try making the "mistake" of not using them sometimes. By ditching the pros and cons lists, you may learn to trust your gut more, which can help you in being a better worker and a more successful entrepreneur.
Not all decisions can be rational and informed, so learning to consider your gut feelings can be important. Although new start-ups are encouraged to forecast profits and losses, establishing new client relationships and taking chances often rely more on gut instinct, so ditch the pros and cons lists from time to time.

5) Being Unavailable

Many people assume that being available is the most important factor to potential employers and clients. However, being constantly available can be detrimental. Some of the most highly successful people I know can be pretty hard to get a hold of (and it's not just because it's me trying to reach them). 
Always being accessible can mean that you are failing to delegate responsibilities. This inability to delegate can show employers that you are not a good mentor and can increase your stress levels when you're in charge. Take a little time away from your phone, email and computer. Rely on others and train them to do your work. This shows you're not afraid to potentially leave your current role and move up the ladder.

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