
Awareness Requires the Right Action

Awareness is of no use if a person does not respond in some concrete way, either to begin something new or to quit doing something contrary to the well-being of self or others. There must be courage to take steps to implement the required change. When a person places more value on the benefits of a current way of doing something without giving adequate consideration to its long-term implications there can be a disconnect as to what is truly the best course of action. While it is important to enjoy our present life we don't want to do it at the cost of mortgaging our future. Having an unduly single minded focus on the present without appreciating how we want our future to look can be devastating. A major cause of this is a survivalist mindset conditioned most likely in childhood to think about just getting through another day, another week or perhaps another year. The idea of having something more than enough to take care of the future or to invest in relationships to ensure they will be there in the future is a difficult concept for such a mindset. People can be afraid to address it because it involves pain to unravel it and get to the root of it.

It is worth investing a little more in the topic of fear. I once heard in a movie trailer that "fear rots the brain." That is a very succinct and accurate representation of the effects of fear. It distorts our thinking. Fear blocks ones awareness or at least can impair our willingness to acknowledge the new awareness trying to take root in our consciousness. This can be due to the new awareness being costly in some manner. Perhaps it will affect our finances or maybe we need to release a relationship. Whatever the cost it is important to recognize the awareness that has arisen and be willing to not let the fear of loss influence our decision. All true awareness has the purpose of improving our long-term well-being even if there is a sacrifice in the short-term. Of course this raises the question of accurate discernment as to what appears to be a new awareness. In the event of a serious consequence it is wise to get counsel from someone we trust or go to an authoritative source able to give us a definitive answer.

Decide to stop being driven by fear. Until you can get to a place of peace refuse to make a decision. And decide to start or stop doing those things you know your new awareness is telling you.

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