
9 Habits To Manifest Your Dreams Using The Law Of Attraction

We are powerful manifesting machines, but since we have 50 to 70 THOUSAND unconscious thoughts per day, of which about 80% are NEGATIVE we're not always manifesting wonders!
While it's true that the first step to using the law of attraction is shifting to more positive way of thinking, the reason people give up working with LOA is that they believe that if they start thinking positive thoughts, then all their dreams will manifest.
The law of attraction is not a magic wand. Because the brain preferentially scans and stores negative experiences, we have to consciously, habitually build the positive mental muscle. We all have layers and layers of stories, limiting beliefs, fears and blocks that have become the interior landscape of our minds and cannot be changed overnight just by thinking positive thoughts.
In order to become a master at manifesting with the law of attraction, we have to undo the patterns that have been stored in our unconscious and replace them with positive, empowering patterns. In other words, rewire the brain.
It may sound complicated, but it's not.
By implementing daily positive practices in our lives, we will shift and raise our energetic vibration so that we can manifest from a place of calm, inspired action yielding faster results. If you get into the habit of using tools that will insert empowering and positive thoughts into your mind, you'll be poised to produce good experiences and results!
Here are nine habits you can implement in your daily life right now to start activating manifesting energy:
1. Note what you focus on.
Start by paying attention to what you focus on. Do you pay attention to what's going right, or what's going wrong? When you're working on manifesting your dreams, obstacles and challenges will arise, but when you focus on what's right, you become an incredible problem-solver, which builds confidence and quickly raises your energetic vibration. You will move through obstacles quicker.
2. Keep a worry list.
Since the brain is Velcro for negative experiences, it is natural that we worry so much. It's just the brain's tendency. Keep a worry list for 2 weeks. The minute you start to worry write it down. This not only helps release the heavy energy that often keeps us stuck, but at the end of 2 weeks you will notice none of the worries were warranted. Your brain will have proof that worry is a waste of energy.
3. Practice diaphragmatic breathing.
Breathe from the belly, not the chest. This type of breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest-and-digest), which helps produce a sense of relaxation and contentment and allows us to be calm and clear when taking inspired action.
4. Quiet the monkey mind with meditation.
Meditation quiets the monkey mind, which is naturally biased toward negativity. Meditating does NOT mean you stop thinking. It simply means the grip around your thoughts softens. Meditation helps us withdraw attention from stressful, negative patterns we've created over time.
5. Move your body in whatever way feels good to you.
Negative emotions get stored in our bodies on a cellular level. Moving is one way to release stress and negative energy. It doesn't have to be intense; you can dance, practice yoga or go for a walk.
6. Keep a gratitude journal.
Gratitude is one of the simplest ways to raise our vibration. When we recognize our great fortune and appreciate all our blessings, it automatically puts us in a "feel-good" energetic vibration.
7. Write down your goals and connect to your "why."
Writing your goals will not only help you get clear, but will help you create inspired action steps toward your dreams. Connecting to your "why" means connecting to the feeling that achieving the goal will give you. When we connect to the "why," we raise our vibration and become magnets for attracting the people, circumstances, etc. that will help us achieve our goal.
8. Visualize what it will look like when you achieve your dreams.
Read your written goals first thing in the morning and before going to bed at night; then take five minutes to visualize and connect with the feeling of achieving your dreams. Get it into your subconscious mind!
9. Feel like you already have what you want.
Be like a kid who allows no impossibility to enter her manifesting realm. "Feeling" helps us release any doubt and negative energy. It generates excitement and positive feelings, which support us to take inspired action! So go test drive that car you want, or feel what it will be like to have the perfect partner in your life, because feeling is believing!
Whether you subscribe to what some call "airy fairy-ness" law of attraction principles or not, implementing these habits can only make you feel better, improve your mood AND your brain waves, so why not give it a shot?

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