
Anxiety Attack Symptoms: Understand Them & Control Them

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Anxiety is a brief, persistent, and extreme feeling of uncertainties, fears over tense and intense situations and constant worries that won't go away. Fortunately for anxiety sufferers it is controllable and, in fact, curable. As a matter of fact, anxiety is reversible, and can be successfully treated naturally if found out through the anxiety attack symptoms.
An anxiety condition is not an uncontrollable illness even if it feels like it is because it has complete control of your life. Anxiety attack symptoms occur for precise reasons and there are underlying reasons why your anxiety and anxiety attack symptoms continue.
To be able to know if you have anxiety, you should know first the anxiety attack symptoms. Here are some anxiety attack symptoms associated with most anxiety disorders. Of course, since every individual has a different chemical composition, anxiety attack symptoms and their intensity may vary from person to person.
The anxiety attack symptoms commonly experienced physically
Persistent fatigue, a feeling of electric shock, being unable to relax, a burning skin sensation, feeling cold, feeling light headed like you are about to faint, and an increased or unfortunately decreased sex drive.
More anxiety attack symptoms are twitching of the muscles, stiffness in the back, neck and shoulders, tingling in the extremities, persistent tense muscles, being very jumpy, twitchy and nervous, sweating a lot, urinating a lot and having weak muscles. As you can see, anxiety attack symptoms can be extremely debilitating.
More anxiety attack symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, having trouble breathing, trying to catch your breath, having a racing and or irregular heart beat, having a lot of headaches, becoming easily over excited, having a sore jaw that feels a lot like you have a toothache and grinding and clenching your teeth a lot.
Emotionally there are some very apparent anxiety attack symptoms that you need to watch out for like very dramatic changes in mood, emotional blunting, not having the right emotions at the right time and feeling like you want to cry a lot but not knowing why.
Psychologically there are the following anxiety attack symptoms: a fear that you're going crazy and losing your mind, losing control of everything, feeling like there is impending doom, not being able to handle what's on your plate, being unable to concentrate, having racing thoughts and feeling like the problems of the whole world are on your shoulder. Sufferers also can suffer from depression and feel under extreme pressure about everything in their lives every day.
You may find this surprising but other anxiety attack symptoms affect your hearing with ringing in the ears, hearing rumbling sounds and reduced hearing or even deafness in one or both ears.
Other anxiety attack symptoms affect your vision like blurred vision, watery or dry eyes, seeing things that aren't really there, your eyes being very sensitive to light and even having spots in front of your eyes.
Anxiety attack symptoms can affect your stomach and even the inside of your mouth with a constant craving for something sweet, having difficult swallowing and even choking at times, suffering from constipation or diarrhoea, having a dry mouth and feeling like you've swallowed your tongue, suffering from a lot of gas and having a bloated stomach, having little appetite, feeling nauseous and having a lump in your throat.
Some prevalent anxiety attack symptoms include having difficulty sleeping, strange dreams, waking up feeling sick in the middle of the night, waking up in an anxiety panic attack and waking up feeling worse in the mornings.
These are the most common anxiety attack symptoms however the anxiety attack symptoms above are not complete or limited to the anxiety attack symptoms I've listed. It is likely for normal people to suffer from a few of these anxiety attack symptoms while some anxiety sufferers will unfortunately suffer from all of these life-altering anxiety attack symptoms.

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