
7 Ways To Get Motivated Every Day

Some people say the morning is the best time of the day. And I agree - How you begin your morning generally tends to set the tone for your whole day.

Some other people find it great to end the day well and I agree with that too because if you go to bed all stressed out and worried, it is inevitable that you will have a bit of a restless night.

So, how can you ensure that your last moments and your first moments set you up to be motivated to get things done each and every day?

Here are 7 ways:-

1. Get a journal
Whether you prefer to write or to type, having somewhere to record your thoughts and feelings both before you go to bed and/or when you wake up is essential. As you go to bed, you can get the worry out of your mind, get clear and go to sleep on a clean slate. You can even write down your gratitudes for the day to take your mind off your troubles.

2. Wake earlier than everyone else and spend time alone
Give yourself some time to launch into the day slowly. Don't wake up and rush off. Give yourself some time in the quiet of the morning to gradually move into the day and then you can...

3. Meditate
Spend some time in prayer or meditation - It brings you back to the present instead of remaining in the past or the future with all your worries and concerns. You can ask for help from your higher power.

4. Write out your goals
Spend time reminding yourself of what you are working towards and find your energy soar as you consider all the possibilities

5. Imagineering
A word created by the great Walt Disney. Don't stop at writing your goals, imagine what it is like to be a person that creates those goals. Picture it vividly. Spend time with this each day and you will find yourself more motivated to take the actions you need to take to get there.

6. Exercise
Consider starting the day with some exercise as well. Take yourself out to a gym; meet up with a personal trainer so that you are held accountable to actually getting out of bed and getting there. Or, dig out those Jillian Michael CDs and burn some fat!

7. What are you listening to?
Implement a positive zone in your car. Stop listening to the news, instead choose to listen to some motivational CDs from Zig Ziglar or Jim Rohn. These two will certainly fire you up for the day. Of course, there are a lot more people you can listen to. Take part in a daily audio program that gives you fresh content everyday as soon as you wake up so you jump out of bird with a positive and motivational thought of the day on your mind as you begin your day.

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