
3 Hacks to Be a Better You


We should always work to be better people. We have the tools, and they shouldn’t be wasted. How you decide to become a better person is up to you. It may mean being a better spouse, parent, sibling, son, or daughter. Perhaps it means being a better provider, a better employee, or a better employer. No matter what it means to you, it means work. One should not shy away from the work that it takes to improve as a person. With that said, if you need a little direction then here are 3 hacks to be a better you:

1. Diet and Exercise

Are you tired of hearing this? There’s a reason that you see and hear it everywhere. It works. No one says that you should look like a perfect genetic specimen, and no one expects you to. Being in good physical condition, however, is one of the biggest keys to being a better you. It helps you to feel better about yourself. Not only does it boost your confidence, but you feel better physically and mentally. Of course there are the numerous health benefits that come from diet and exercise too.
“Diet” doesn’t mean that you have to go on some crazy fad diet where you cut out solid food and implement a liquid-only diet, or that you have to eat only 200 calories a day until you starve yourself into a size 0 hospital gown. It means maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. Half of it is common sense, really. Don’t eat that half pound slice of German Chocolate Cake. Reach for the yogurt instead. Have some fresh fruit instead of those greasy potato chips. Don’t eat before bed. The simplest things can make such a big difference.
In that same vein, “exercise” doesn’t mean that one has to train for a triathlon. It simply means that people should stop spending so much of their free time on the sofa. Do some aerobics or yoga, go for a jog, or do something to remind your heart that sometimes it needs to shift gears before it forgets how to.

2. Focus on Fulfillment

Many people use such a variety of empty ways to pass time. They waste their time on so many things that don’t matter. I don’t think that I really need to give examples here, but a few things come immediately to mind, such as reading celebrity gossip and channel surfing the television.
Focus on activities that make you feel fulfilled. If you have kids, spend time with them, and make some memories. If you don’t have kids, why not plant a garden? Perhaps learning a new skill might interest you. You could learn to paint, cook, golf, ski, kayak, surf, or one of so many other options. The point is, find something to spend more of your free time doing that will create a much deeper sense of accomplishment and fulfillment within you, rather than being concerned about which celebrity just entered rehab, or which A-list couple just separated.

3. Visualize What You Want to Do

Visualization can help you achieve things by getting you in the proper mindset to do so. First, figure out exactly what you want to do in life and what you want to be. Do you need a career change? Is there a specific job that you want? Perhaps it’s something else, like you want to be a better parent, or you want to have more influence with your friends and family, at work, or in your community.
Whatever the case may be, determine what it is that you want, and visualize it. Not just once, but visualize it all the time. Every chance you get, and every time you think of it, visualize everything that you want. Visualize yourself doing, being, or getting that thing which you desire. Visualize yourself driving the new car that you’re going to buy after you land that new job. Visualize yourself living the lifestyle that you want after you make that career change. Visualize yourself being a better parent or having more influence, and the potential results of those. An excellent example of this (and I do not take credit for this – it has been used before, but it’s a very effective example), is to recall a time when you put a puzzle together.
When you visualize not only the end goal, but the results and provisions that will come from it, it will help motivate you to start working toward that goal. Your thoughts and actions will begin to calibrate and align with that target, and you’ll be on your way to achieving it. Often, the only thing holding a person back… is that person. Don’t let that be you. Go after whatever it is that you want. You deserve it. But you should start by visualizing it!

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