
Formula For Success

It is a universal law (the law of cause and effect) that whatever you put out, you get back.
In other words, what you sow you shall reap. It applies to all areas of your life including the success area.
If you understand this law correctly, you have the best formula for success.
Success does not visit people who wait for something to happen. You have to pay a certain price for success. Such price may be your time, persistence, willpower or trying your best every day.
How many extraordinary people do you know? I bet not many. Mostly people live mediocre lives because they lack drive and persistence. I hope that this article will empower you to join the group of extraordinary people who achieve amazing results in life.
The barrier to success
Mostly people settle down for far less than they can have because of their comfort zones. They feel safe there although they are not happy. They try to silence their inner knowledge that by stepping out of the comfort zone and initially experiencing some discomfort they would step into a totally different zone – the zone of success.
You may be put off by the discomfort you experience whilst reaching for the goal, but if you persist the rewards will be so huge that your discomfort will soon look like a child’s play.
Besides your comfort zone there is another barrier you have to pass for you to achieve success. These are the failures that start happening to you once you set your mind to achieve something great. It may even look as though the universe is testing you how bad you want to have your desire. The majority of people cannot pass this barrier so they settle down for far less than they could have.
I can give you one piece of advice that always works. If you follow it I can guarantee that you will become successful, it cannot be any other way. And this advice is persistence. If you persist you will always get past that barrier. You just have to refuse to give up. I can surely say that I refuse to give up. The words “failure” and “giving up” are out of my dictionary.
I hope that by hearing such words you feel the same as I do. Isn’t it empowering to know that if you refuse to give up you must succeed? These words make me so happy and they motivate me to create more value and achieve amazing results.
The power of persistence
Usually people give up right at the point where the success is about to reveal itself to them. This amazing fact has been mentioned in many great books such as “Think and Grow Rich”
by Napoleon Hill. If only could they last one more day, make one more phone call or provide even better service, that’s all it would take for them to join the winner’s circle.
You can look at any area of life to see that so many people give up and so few stay in the game. Let’s take wealth distribution in the US as an example. It is so unequal that you are going to be very surprised by the figures if you did not know these facts. 10% of the people hold 80% of all financial assets whereas the rest (90%) of the population hold only 20% of the assets (source).
Do you think it is a coincidence? I certainly don’t think so. It shows that just a very few people refuse to give up until they achieve their desired success.
Although you may be upset by such figures, they actually make me happy. So many people don’t understand that they can certainly be in the top 10% , anyone can. You just need to stay persistent. The rewards for your persistence will be huge.
The role of the ego

I will now explain why you experience fear when you try to achieve something great. The fear is actually the creation of your ego. Your ego feels that you are moving out of your comfort zone so it does everything it can to keep you right where you are.
The ego thinks it is protecting you by scaring you with imaginary things that are going to happen once you step out of the comfort zone. Yet the fears that you may perceive are all created in your mind, and if you understand that every fear is only an illusion that ego creates to keep you in your comfort zone, you will be able to gradually get rid of it and steadily move towards success.
Ego will try to sabotage your every step with fearful thoughts of failure, doubt and unworthiness. But if you see these thoughts for what they really are – the creations of the ego – you will be able to ignore them and achieve everything that you desire.
The bigger the goals you reach for, the more ego will try to intervene and sabotage you. That’s what happened to me when I started reaching out for more than what I had. It is a great story that I am sure you may relate to.
My story
When I became aware of the law of attraction and other laws, they opened my eyes. It was as though I was sleeping all the time, and now I woke up into a real world from an illusion I was living before. I was excited and could not wait for my new life to begin.
Straight away I started visualizing what I wanted to have and I aimed for the highest star I could reach. I visualized a place I wanted to live in, luxury cars I wanted to drive, an amazing relationship I wanted to have. I loved these visualizations and the more I visualized, the more I felt that they were becoming real and I could just feel the momentum that I was building.
Things started changing quickly. A hair accessories business was born in my mind, and it quickly picked up. I could handle the small changes that were happening to me within couple of weeks of visualizing, but soon things started change really fast.
I was as though led to contacting designer stores and boutiques for collaboration. And one person replied whom I did not even contact, but my email was forwarded to him from the purchasing department I got in touch with.
He invited me to meet him so that he would be able to tell me everything about pitching products to luxury stores. He was the director of a very profitable store here in London and I could not believe that he could give me his time without even knowing me.
I got there at the arranged time and he explained every single detail about how to pitch products and he even gave me the names and contact details of large department stores’ directors and heads of purchasing departments (although he was not supposed to do that).
I could not believe my success. I was so happy. That director was such a nice person that he invited me for dinner with his colleagues and friends and he mentioned that there will be people that will be able to look at my products and make some orders.
I could handle the momentum right up until this point, but now things started to move really fast and I got scared. I started doubting my own abilities to keep up.
What also this experience showed was that I didn’t like the life of the people I started hanging around with. They were empty; they were into drugs, plastic surgeries and vanity. That wasn’t where I wanted to see myself in the future.
I did not go to further meetings. I did not approach any retail stores.
Do I regret this happening? Absolutely not. I am actually grateful that this happened. It provided two great lessons for me. First, was that the law of attraction definitely works. Second, is that you should be careful what you wish for.
Another lesson could be seen that many people would get scared when things start shifting very quickly due to their big visions, and some would be too frightened to change their comfort zones.
Since that incident I learnt to be careful about what I visualized, and to be okay if changes start happening really fast. I now trust the creative process.
That experience also made me understand that I didn’t want to see myself in the hair accessories business all my life. I realized how mundane it would be for me to do this kind of business day in and out.
Since then I got more and more involved in personal development and finally I realized that that’s what I wanted to do with my life. Every day I see the momentum that I am building but now I can keep up with it.
Some things, like public speaking, are still out of my comfort zone but I know that eventually I would be involved in such an activity too. I will soon take quite a big leap out of my comfort zone by organizing small group meetings with people like you who want to achieve phenomenal success.
Success is waiting for you
The price of success is nothing compared with what you get. Let nobody stop you from achieving it, no matter how many failures you will have to meet. I know that once you achieve the success you will only laugh at the sacrifice you made.
You always have to be aware of your comfort zone. Because once you stay there for too long, it is very hard to move out of it. Deep inside you you may hear a call to become successful, but if you stay in your comfort zone for too long you may just feel too scared to pursue your desires.
So don’t wait. Do something that will get you closer to your desires now. Try to do things that are not that comfortable but which you have to complete for you to get where you want to be.
The last important tip
Also you might get confused about your comfort zone vs. procrastination. Procrastination means that your higher self knows that the time is not right for you to do something, therefore you feel that you should not take some particular action. You will usually feel that it is not the right time, or you will feel weak when you are about to take the action, or things will start falling out of your hands.
Whereas when the ego tries to keep you in your comfort zone, you don’t get any feeling preventing you from doing what you are supposed to do, but you start getting negative thoughts about failure and fear. And if you listen to such thoughts, you will get drained off the desire to take such action.
So try not to confuse these two completely different indicators.

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