
Achieve Your Goals By Creating Value

The only way you can feel really happy is when you create value for other people. But there’s just very few who actually create value. And this is because we are not taught to create, we are taught to consume. This can be seen everywhere. There are much more consumers than producers. And only producers reap the rewards. Consumers get when they want but this is not going to fulfil them in the long term. On the other hand, producers create value therefore they are happy now and they will be so as long as they create value.
Many people don’t succeed in life because they try to get without giving first. Many are conditioned to believe that that’s how it works, you get, then you give, but that’s not the case. It is the law that you firstly give and then you receive.
You always have something to give in return for something greater. You have time, you have talent, intelligence and skill. There is always something that you can contribute to improve the lives of others.
Even when people get convinced that they actually do have something in themselves that they could use to create value, they don’t because of another belief that they will not get anything in return. This shouldn’t be your concern because of the law of compensation.
This law says that for everything that you no longer have, you will gain something new. So for example, you may lose time because of value creation, but you will gain wealth or acknowledgement of people as a result. Or you may use your effort to change the lives of people but then in return you will become well known and people will respect you. So you always get when you give, and usually the returns are much greater than what you had to sacrifice for that.
The same law applies to those who only consume but don’t create. People can spend al their lives watching TV but this in turn causes them to miss opportunities and waste their lives. Or they may try to get something of value without paying anything for it, but then that causes them to lose their reputation or they are likely to be treated unfairly in the situations to come. So you get exactly what you pay for and if you don’t want to part with anything you have, don’t expect your life to be full of precious gifts.
There’s no escape from value creation. You either create value or you live the life that doesn’t satisfy you. Create or disintegrate is one of the most fundamental laws of life. There is no middle here, you either constantly progress or your go backwards.
I very often think of the words in the bible “The meek shall inherit the earth” and many people interpret it the wrong way. The meek doesn’t mean poor as so many think and therefore they assume that having no many will make them saints. That’s not what it means. “The meek shall inherit the earth” means those who are obedient to the laws of the universe, or obedient to god, in other words, will succeed, they will create heaven on earth.
That’s what it means. So get in harmony with laws and give as much as you can, provide immense value and you will become so successful that you could easily say that you really own this world because you will gain complete understanding of it. There will be nothing that scares you or makes you angry because you will be so in harmony with the laws.
We are supposed to create because we are creative beings. And the only reason why people who only consume don’t feel fulfilled is because they don’t create anything and this makes them feel like they are losing out on something, but they don’t realise what is it that they have to do to make their lives more fulfilling.
The answer lies in contribution to the good of others. I remember when I used to consume but not create. I felt like I don’t understand life and I definitely sensed that there was more to it than what I was experiencing at that time. Fortunately I was able to figure it out because I searched for the meaning of life. When you really do your best and give as much as you can, you feel such a sense of fulfilment, it’s hard to describe. This is really what everyone is supposed to do because only that makes you feel a good person and that makes you happy.
So the reason people who are born into rich families and they have everything, become disillusioned is because they don’t contribute to anything. They just use what they were given, but they don’t give. And they don’t understand what’s missing in their lives, so they search it everywhere be it in drugs, alcohol, parties or other things that cannot make them permanently happy and therefore make them feel even more disillusioned.
The more you create, the more you will get in return. But there is one exception to this rule.
And this is employment. People in any kind of occupation contribute to the good of others in some way, but then they are usually underpaid for their value creation. You may ask why this happens if they genuinely create value. Well this is because they chose the easy option of employment rather than creating something of their own so they get only a portion of how much value they create. So that’s the price they have to pay for this easy option.
You always have choices and the majority of people choose the easy option to work for someone else. They choose such option because:
1. Other people do the same – that’s a big one:)
2. They have instant feeling of security
3. They know how much money they will earn so they get again the feeling of security
So because of this extra security that they get, they pay the price of getting less money for the value they create. They also lose their freedom. They have to come to work at specified times. They have to take vacations only for a defined length of time and there are many other rules they have to comply with. People who choose easier options will always miss out in one way or another.
On the other hand, when you choose self-employment, you are not sure when and how much money you will make, you are not sure what it will take to make your business successful, you have to put much more effort to make your business profitable.
Well, this definitely does not seem like the best option at first as it looks very insecure and unpredictable. But only those people who choose this more risky option option eventually get the rewards so much greater than the majority. They get great rewards for their efforts including money, freedom, personal fulfilment, growth and happiness. But don’t forget that there is a bigger price to pay for that, but the rewards are so much worth it.
Now you see why most people choose employment. They get certainty, they don’t pay big price for that but they also don’t get big rewards. So you can either stay safe all your life and don’t see or do or have much, or you can take risks and then you lose sometimes, but when you win, the rewards will be huge. After all, we shouldn’t spend our lives in fear and insecurity because what’s the point in living this way? It’s as though you are living dead if you choose this option.
Life is an adventure. You play hard and then you get rewarded and that’s what its all about. People miss out big time who try to take least risky paths and who take ages to make even a small decision. This is not fun and this is definitely not fulfilling.
But then you may say that you are afraid to take risks because you were not conditioned this way. To escape such prison you created for yourself you just simply have to do the thing you fear. Yes, I feared to call the company I was working for and tell that I will no longer work for them. It was really scary because I wasn’t sure if I would really make it, but I knew that the more I hesitate if I should or if I shouldn’t that, the more fear will take over me and that will eventually result in me putting it off for nobody knows how long.
So I had to do that, I could literally feel my heart beating so loud and my hands were shaking, I knew that once I quit my job, that’s it. It’s only me and my business now because I promised to myself that I will never ever work for anyone else after that job. I never break promises made for myself so I knew that once I quit my job, there’s no way back. As Napoleon Hill puts in his “Think And Grow Rich” book,
“I will burn all bridges behind me, and stake my ENTIRE FUTURE on my ability to get what I want. I leave myself no possible way of retreat. I have to win or perish!”
That’s how it works. You absolutely trust that you will succeed and you have to leave yourself no excuses and do everything it takes to commit even more to your goal. That’s the price you pay for your goal.
You take risks because that’s how you go forward. You don’t go forward by doubting yourself or reading positive material, you go forward by actually taking risks and taking action, creating value, winning and losing. And trust me, that’s so much more exciting than to do nothing significant with your life.
I absolutely know that I will experience many failures on my way, but I also know that they serve as stepping stones to success. It would be stupid for me to fear the difficulties because they are testing me how much I really want to achieve my goal. They are unavoidable so there’s no point in fearing them. So don’t expect that the road to success will be smooth and clear. There will be days where you’ll think that everything is falling apart, yet only those who still don’t give up will become successful. I will quote again Napoleon hill on this because of how he puts this point:

Image result for failure
“Before success comes to most people, they are sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and perhaps some failure. When faced with defeat the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of people do.
More that 500 of the most successful people America has ever known told the author that their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.
Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one up when success is almost within reach.”
You will notice that once you start taking risks, you will have to develop faith because sometimes there will be nothing outside that would prove that you are going to make it. You will simply have to believe that you will.
Anyone can develop faith, but so few do because it’s just so intangible. People are so used to seeing feedback and than taking action according to what they see, that for some it just seems plainly wrong to just trust. So many people make decisions about where they are going on holiday or what they are going to do by looking at their bank accounts. But so few can actually see that their bank account is low but still book the best holiday with faith that everything will be just fine. But that’s how best decisions are made, when there’s nothing in your outside world showing that you are making the right decision but you still do it with faith that it is the right decision.
No matter who you are, I know that you’ve had such experience, when you really need money for something and at the last minute the money appears from some source. When you think you are not going to pay your bills or you will lose something and then you suddenly get the money.
So when you need something, it always appears because you know exactly how much you need and you know that you really need it and once you are that certain, the money has to come because you attract it. So don’t make decisions according to what you have or who you are. Make decisions according to what you want to have and who you want to be and the means will surely come once you are absolutely certain of what you want.
But it is impossible for you to have hope or faith that everything will turn out fine if you still have fear in you. Because fear is the opposite of faith, you can have only one of them present in your mind. You can get rid of fear, as I said earlier, by doing what you fear or you can do so by understanding the great universal law which is the law of cause and effect.
Many people use this law to their disadvantage. They complain and live in fear which is basically a negative cause, but for some reason they are surprised when a negative effect appears in their lives. So because of their constant complaining and fear they may be completely lonely or unsuccessful yet they fail to connect the dots of why this happened.
If you only create positive causes the effects will be only positive. So if you think positively, have a definite goal and constantly take action to achieve it, it would be impossible for you to get negative results because the cause was positive, so the effect will be positive too.
So it’s illogical to think that those people who do nothing and think that the world owes them a living would magically become successful. They won’t because they don’t create any value, they just take without giving. So the life of misery and failure is the price they are paying for such inactivity.
I remember when I used to work for a market research company (which was my last job ever). I absolutely hated it but I would never express that in conversations. I didn’t even think about that because I didn’t want to get stuck here. So there were far too many people who were dissatisfied with their lives. They would hate the work and and they would constantly complain.
One girl was always talking about how horrible the company director was to her but she forgot the fact that the company director hired her in the first place. Some people are so ungrateful and they feel that they are treated unfairly when they are the ones who treat others unfairly and they want better conditions without paying the price first.
Such people will never succeed unless they wake up to realise that it’s actually them that were wrong. And exactly these people, the ones that complain instead of changing something, would see a person who achieved his or her goals and would say “You are so lucky”.
They use it as an excuse so that they would feel better for their inaction. I get such people telling me too how lucky I am to work for myself. But they don’t realise that I wasn’t working for myself all the time. I changed myself because I realised that if I don’t change, my life will not change either! It’s logical when you think, yet so few stop and really think about it.
So I realised that if I want my life to change, I have to change myself first. So little by little I changed my bad habits, I removed my limiting beliefs and changed my thinking and this way I became a motivated person who can consistently take action and achieve goals.
So I wasn’t just born this way as many people think. I was definitely not lucky and my circumstances were not the best. There were so many people around me that had much better circumstances yet they were still unable to change.
Sometimes, to be honest, the feeling of comfort is your enemy when it comes to wanting to change. If you are comfortable now, it is harder, it’s much harder to change then if you are very uncomfortable. Because when you are uncomfortable you make the change a must whilst when you are in acceptable condition you are not as motivated to change.
So to have stronger desire to change you will need, as I said earlier, burn some bridges behind you. Get committed to your goal by telling people that you are going to achieve it, by doing something that will force you to change.
I’m not saying that you have to quit your job when you have zero income coming from your business, but when you start getting money quite consistently, that’s something I would definitely encourage you to do because that will give you extra kick to really try to make it, to create more value and get even more income as a result. So if there’s no one who gives you a push to change, burn some bridges to be forced to change.
You can change fast by creating immense value but usually you only start creating value when your back is against the wall. So this again comes to the necessity to burn some bridges.
Start creating value even if at first you contribute really little, don’t wait for something to happen for you to start taking action because you can wait for such happening till your death. So many people fool themselves by thinking that as soon as something happens, they will definitely start taking action towards their goals. Such excuses, for example, can be:
“As soon as I have more time, I will start my business.”
…but that is unlikely to happen of course!
Or a very usual excuse for people stuck in bad relationships is this:
“As soon as he would do this or that again, I will leave him.”
And that never happens either. So you either change now or you will never change. Don’t try to link some kind of future event to your change. Change because you don’t feel happy with where you are.
The quickest way to change your life is by changing someone else’s life. That I have definitely experienced. So if you are not happy where you are, try to create value for other people and that will get you out of where you are to where you want to be. When you create genuine value, people always reward you. But by genuine value I mean genuine value, I don’t mean to only create out of your need for a better life because that will not create value for others. You have to find out what other people need and provide a solution to their problems. That’s how you create value and that’s what will make you progress towards your goals.
There will always be a demand for good products and services, so don’t worry if there are many other people who have the same product. Don’t discourage yourself by listing all the reasons why your product or service cannot succeed. It must succeed if you provide enough value.
What I’ve noticed is that the more you serve, the more successful you become. But that also means that the more you want to serve, the more motivation you have to have. To develop motivation you have to have a definite goal you really care about. This will give you more than enough motivation to create value.
If you still don’t feel motivated even when you really know that you want to achieve that goal, here’s what you should do. You should ask why you want to achieve that particular goal. Because then you will be able to uncover what you really want.
You see, your goal is the means to achieve what you really desire. So you may uncover that you want to achieve your goal because you will get freedom or happiness as a result. Once this is done, list what else you will gain once you achieve your goal. Make as long list as possible, and this will motivate you to take massive action and get massive results.
Some people don’t set major goals at all because they unconsciously associate such goals with change and change in their minds means slow and painful progress. But that is a wrong way of thinking about change because change actually happens in an instant, it happens when you decide to change. That’s all it takes. So decide to change now and decide to create value and you will definitely get rewarded for that.

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