
Standing Up For Yourself

Finding your voice means sticking up for yourself, but sometimes when you do that, it may rub other people the wrong way. So what do you do? Stick up for yourself or let things go?
As women, being people pleasers is innate. It's in us. We want people to like us. We don't want to say something too harsh, because then it will bother us if it hurts someone's feelings. So we'd rather be quiet, keep to ourselves, and not say anything just to ensure we don't offend someone.
When you do this once, you may not think it affects you. After all, it's only one time. One time leads to it being easier the second time and a third time and a fourth time. Until it just becomes habit for you to let things go, not worry about them, or just go with the flow. Then you become reserved and quiet, because you start to hide.
You hide yourself. You hide as a person. You hide your voice. You begin to think what you say and think doesn't matter. Then you believe you don't matter, which makes you dig your hiding spot deeper. You end up getting so worn out with being someone you aren't, it makes it harder to find your way out. It makes it nearly impossible to unveil yourself... so you just keep hiding.
Your voice is longing to be heard. It needs to be heard. When someone says don't stand up for yourself, ask them why they say this. Is it because they think you don't matter or what you believe doesn't mean anything? Is it because they feel threatened by your power? Do they want you to remain hidden, because it makes them feel better about themselves?
Don't allow someone else to tell you don't stick up for yourself. Don't allow someone else to say let it go. Don't allow someone else make you feel as though you aren't important, that what you say doesn't matter, or that you don't deserve to be treated better. Don't allow someone else to suggest you stay hidden.
Fight for what you believe. Stand up for your rights. Allow your voice to be heard. Never ever take less than you deserve. And when you believe someone is mistreating you, say so, and don't apologize for it. You deserve better than that. You are worth more than that. You matter, and if you don't stand up for you no one else will.

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