
Doing The Right Thing Versus Giving Up

Sometimes doing the right thing is hard especially when there is no pathway to do it. It almost becomes a fight against yourself. Do you keep doing what you know in your heart and gut to be right or do you give up because it's just so gosh dang challenging? And honestly, it's just easier to give up.
It's a remarkable dilemma. You keep going, putting one foot in front of the other. Making call after call. Talking to person after person, yet no one is giving you the answer you seek. Do you give in or keep staying true course? Do you dig your heels in deeper allowing these rejections to motivate you even more? After all, you only need one "Yes" to be on your path to success, but all the "No"s keep beating you down.
It's easy to say, "Yes," I'd keep going, but with rejection after rejection, no after no, it gets harder to motivate yourself to dial another number, to speak to another person. What do you say to yourself to keep moving forward?
Just like you, I can talk myself out of anything. I can find something better to do or just do nothing. Then I kick myself in the bootie for not doing what I know I should have done. So, I've found what works best for me is to literally say, "Jessica pick up the phone," "Jessica just do it," or "Jessica stop putting it off."
Once I do one action, the next step is so much easier. Once I pick up the phone, it's easy to sit there and wait for someone to answer. Once she answers, it's easy to say who I am. Then the conversation concludes, and I feel accomplished. Wow! I did it, even when I didn't feel like it or think I could go on any more. I did. I was able to do just one more... and then one more... and then one more.
Stop analyzing (coming from a major analyzer I know how tough that is). Stop putting it off. Stop second guessing yourself. Just go with your gut. Do what you know is right, and don't let anyone tell you something different. You know what's best for you. So now all you have to do is take action on it and follow through. Oh and put one foot in front of the other to make it happen. I believe in you, so just do it already.

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