
The Single Most Important Factor for Ending Social Anxiety

Allow me to 'preach' for a second...

Yeah, I know you've heard about the importance of consistency and following through a thousand times before in a million different ways from a zillion bumper sticker quotes.

But hear me out.

The story of a recovering quitter

This is personal for me because I've struggled with consistency for most of my life.

You could call me an international-standards, PhD-bearing, 25-year-experienced QUITTER.

I'd read book after book, article after article, listened to good advice, listened to bad advice, read quotes, made plans, create visions boards - the whole shebang - in an effort to end my shyness.

The problem is I would hardly ever go beyond day 3 when implementing a change. I'd do affirmations perfectly - for three days... Visualize every morning - for two days... And create the perfect life plan - and never start it!

My particular brand of quitting came in the form of doubt.

After a few tries, I'd start questioning if this wasn't a waste of my time and when that seed was planted I was basically done for!

The fact is you have to give solutions TIME to work.

Intellectualizing their viability ("will this actually work?" "Am I being stupid?" "Is this a waste of my time?") is not the same thing as finding out if something works or not.

Actually DOING and FINISHING what you said you would, does.

Now, I'm not saying you should go out and try every quack idea out there. I'm saying that if you believed enough to get started, have the balls to finish!

Conquering shyness through consistency

You've probably already been introduced to some pretty great techniques to put an end to your shyness.

If you haven't implemented at least one suggestion, I want you to ask yourself why.

Is it fear of change? Doubt? Laziness? Habit?

Be honest with yourself and then make a commitment to make one change for 30 days. Even if the technique doesn't work for you, you'll be building an important habit. The habit of consistent action.

I'm going on about this because I really want you to conquer shyness and I believe you deserve better than the half lived life I was living for 25 years.

Consistency and following through are an essential part of every success story. Let it be a part of yours. No matter how bad your social anxiety is, it does not stand a chance against good old fashioned persistence. Give it a try.

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