
Law Of Attraction - 10 Simple Ideas to Manifest Greater Wealth, Success and Happiness

Attracting wealth, abundance and happiness is easy when you do it one step at a time. The best way to do it is by starting with just one little thought at a time. Here are 10 simple ways to help you to attract and manifest greater wealth, abundance and happiness into your life. Does it work? The answer is YES. Try them out and experience the miracle yourself.

1) Write down what do you like to manifest

Think about what are the miracles you want to attract for today, tomorrow, 1 week and 1 month from now. Write it down on your dairy and as you are listing them out, I want you to experience the positive feeling that comes from within you.

By doing so, you are anticipating your desire outcome, changing your brain's neuro-connection and expose yourself with more possibilities and opportunities to help you get what you want faster.

2) Sleep and grow rich

As you go to bed at night, repeat the word wealth, success, happiness, joy, laughter, money or any other words that resonate with you. Repeat the words easily, slowly and quietly for about 5 minutes. Just like a lullaby, lull yourself to sleep with these words. Your subconscious mind will bring pass those words and desires into your subconscious mind.

3) Find out what you love to do, then do it

You spend 1/3 of your life working, 8-10 hours a day. Find out what you love to do, then do it. Doing so enable you to experience greater sense of achievement, fulfilment that is aligning with your body, mind and spirit. This helps attract more abundance and miracle into your life.

4) You manifest what you believe, not what you want

Believe that success, miracles, wealth and happiness comes to you easily and effortlessly. When you belief in something, it also means that you have very strong feelings about having it in the future. Notice how you feel and allow the positive energy comes to you. This changes your neurological pathway in your mind and thus creating new fresh opportunities and miracles around you.

5) Say "Thank you" with gratitude

Focus on what you are grateful for every day. Appreciate things that you already have now to desire more. Give thanks and appreciation to your body that is working hard for you, your friends who always support you and those who have faith in you.

6) Affirm what you desire with feelings

What you affirm consciously with absolute feeling gives you the emotional experience in your mind. Choose to affirm the good and enter into the joy of living.

7) Engage activities that can calm and sooth your mind and soul

Try creative activities that you are interested in such as painting, crafting, yoga or meditating classes. Engage yourself with such activity keeps your mind stays at the present moment and naturally allowing yourself to be in the state of flow.

8) Take a long shower

This is a simply visualisation exercise that you can do every time when you're showering. Feel the water running through your body, from top to toe. Imagine all the abundance, wealth and success are flowing towards you like the water. Imagine that your mind and body are rejuvenating, feeling energize and you are ready to receive more abundance and prosperity into your life now.

9) Connect yourself back with the nature

Spend time in the nature. Go camping, hiking and surround yourself with natural abundance like trees, flowers, rivers, insects, animals... bath yourself and attract positive energy from the nature.

10) Rejoice others success stories

One of the best ways to manifest and experience greater abundance in life is to rejoice in the prosperity of others. Don't be jealous when people drive a nice car; don't be jealous when your co-worker gets a promotion. Keep in mind that you don't get what you criticize.

The only obstacle that is stopping you to manifest what you want in life is your own thought. Therefore, destroy all the stumbling blocks that are holding you back by practising all the tips that I have just shared with you today. Sending you full charge of joyous energy and abundance!,-Success-and-Happiness&id=8778344

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