
5 Wonderful Reasons to Love The Beautiful Body You Were Given

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It is no surprise to hear that today, most people are unhappy with their bodies. Women, men, teens, and even young children dream of what life would be like if they were just a little taller, thinner, shorter, "more-attractive," etc.

We spend too much time focusing on what we aren't, when we should be spending more time on loving and accepting what we are! After all, being dissatisfied with yourself requires much more precious time and energy than just loving what you got!

I am no different. I was a victim of body dissatisfaction. I still am sometimes; however, I learned how much easier it was to be happy with what I have than to spend time loathing what I looked like and to constantly be trying to change it.

A revolution needs to be started. A movement to love thy body needs to take place. Everyone looks different, but that doesn't mean that some are beautiful while others are not. As my mother used to say, "imagine how boring the world would be if everyone were the same?" We all have flaws, but they make us who we are. Shooting for an unachievable image of "perfection" will never get you anywhere. Your body IS perfect in it's own way. We need to start seeing that more, and appreciating everything our bodies do for us, and loving them just the way they are.

So, you may ask, why love your body? Well...

1. Your body is what keeps you alive!

Put your hand on your chest and leave it there for a minute. Take a stethoscope and place it right where your hand was. You feel that? You hear it? That is your heartbeat. Your heart works hard to pump blood and oxygen throughout your body to every little cell and then back again somewhere around 80 times a minute! That is just one of the myriad functions your fascinating body has to keep you alive. You really would not be alive without your body.

2. Your body helps you move!

Those legs you think are too "fat" or not muscular enough? Think about what your life would be like without them. Your legs help you move around with ease every single day. They allow you to play sports, walk around a park, go for a run, or even drive a car. Your legs help to make your life what it is.

3. Looks aren't forever!

Everyone's appearance will change throughout his or her life. You don't look the same today as you did when you were eight. You probably don't look the same as you did one year ago! Your face changes, your hair changes, your skin changes, everything changes! It's better to go through life wondering what it has in store for you, rather than just wishing you looked different in the present moment.

4. Worried about your weight? It never feels good to not allow yourself to eat something.

Whether you're trying to be "good" about your new diet or you have an eating disorder, eating what you want is important. Food is unbelievably delicious and meant to be eaten! While you should eat a balanced diet, having that slice of cake at a friend's party is not going to hurt you! People who eat when they're hungry and stop when they're full are less likely to have weight problems, and they are much happier not putting too much thought to food. It's called intuitive eating, and although it is hard to practice at first, it heals your relationship with food in the end. Sometimes you just want to have a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. Well go ahead. Eat that cookie. Eat two cookies! Treat yourself. Don't worry about the calories. They don't matter in your happiness anyway.

5. Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way.

Everyone is unique. Everyone is different. Everyone is loved. EVERYONE is beautiful.

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