
6 Tips to Building Resilience

Whilst some people are born with an abundance of resilience, for those who are not it is a behaviour that can be developed. As with anything worthwhile it takes practice and patience.

Here are my top 6 tips for building resilience:

1- Develop Self Esteem - Instead of looking at the negative and things that have not gone as well as you would have liked, write a list of all of your accomplishments, your strengths and what people love about you. Focus on what you are good at.

2 - Find your Passion - The word passion can be used in several contexts. Sexual passion that you feel towards another, it is deeper than lust. Total joy... and enthusiasm, or even the opposite total anger. We are looking at total joy, a strong emotive response that makes you happy, which can include sexual passion. It is what wakes you up in the morning and keeps you awake at night. Here are 3 tips to help find your passion:Here are 3 tips to help find your passion:

Brainstorm - What do you love to do, what would you do even if you didn't get paid, what makes you feel like nothing else exists, where you are completely in your element?

Write a list - What did you always dream of doing, what makes you happy, what did you stop doing that left a hole in your life?

Make a plan - How can you incorporate more of what you love into your life? It does not have to be fulltime, but how can you make it happen, where can you free up time?

3 - Embrace Change - Remember life is dynamic and without change you would still be in your cot sucking a dummy. Look for the positive, it may be hard initially, but there will always be something.

4- Nurture yourself - Remember that short term discomfort gives long term satisfaction. The 30 minute sleep in feels great at the time, but later in the day guilt creeps in for not having gone on that walk. Whereas if you push through the discomfort as soon as you are out the door it disappears and later in the day when you recall the walk, there is no guilt only gratitude that you started the day in a positive way.

5 - Take Steps to Solve Problems - What is it that you are not happy with, what do you want to change, what can you change. Remember it is you that we are talking about here, trying to change someone else is an exercise in futility and will only add to your angst.

6 - Never be afraid to ask for help - Whether it is a friend or colleague, maybe a coach. If you are not managing to tick the boxes, get help. After all don't we all deserve a rich and meaningful life?

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