
7 Tips For Finding Your Perfect Partner

Is there really such a thing as a perfect partner? Probably not as we are none of us perfect, however you can find a wonderful relationship based on your quest for a perfect partner. One of the criteria we judge a perfect partnership on is by example.
You may have noticed a very loving couple like your grand parents. They love each other so much but still quarrel and tease each other. How do they stay together for so long and still love each other despite little arguments and quirky habits? The answer to this is the basis of our quest for a perfect partnership.
A perfect partnership is not always smooth. You will always have small arguments and flare ups, but the difference is that in a perfect partnership you will always make up and never stop loving each other.
To find your perfect partner you will need to know a few things. These points will help you in your quest: 
  1. Know what you want: It is important to know what you want and not be too idealistic. When you have a clear picture you will find it easier to make a choice and find your perfect partner.
  2. Be prepared to tolerate and compromise: compromise is very important in a perfect relationship. Always try to find someone who is flexible and able to do this.
  3. Understand that we are all human and even a perfect partner will not be really perfect
  4. Perhaps your relationship will be better if your partner is not completely perfect? To err is human and it will make you feel better not to have a perfect partner who is never meant to do anything wrong.
  5. Be open to love and allow yourself to be loved - this will bind you together. Do not hold back when it comes to love. Do not be afraid to tell your partner "I love you."
  6. Cultivate understanding and trust and try to find someone who is also prepared to do this. Understanding and trust are very important in a good relationship.
  7. The old cliche "do as you would be done by" holds true in your quest for a perfect relationship. Just think of how you would like to be treated and treat your partner the same way.
In some ways it was easier in the olden times as many marriages were arranged. Parents tried with the greatest diligence to choose a perfect match for their child. Sometimes they were successful and sometimes not.
In modern times we are usually in control of our destiny and the choice is up to us. Try to choose a partner who will be able to truly understand you and accept you for the person you are. Remember the perfect partnership is a two way street and you will also need to be able to tolerate and sacrifice for your partner as well, in order to make this relationship work.
The perfect relationship is not about material wealth and expensive gifts it is about simply loving your partner and expecting the same in return. In this way you will come closer to finding and choosing your perfect partner.
To learn more about Relationships, there are some very useful tips and techniques available at When Love Is... Stop by and visit when you can. Look at my perspective and comment.

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