
10 Things to Say to Generate Good Feelings

The more you give, the more you'll get.

At any moment, you can send people positive vibes or negative vibes.
Criticism sends out negative vibes. So do complaints, disagreement, blame, and frowns. Love, by contrast, involves the emanation of positive energy. Expressions of thanks, gratitude and appreciation, along with interest in others' lives and warm smiles, all send forth positive energy as well. The more positive emanations you send people, the more they will feel appreciated, and appreciate you in return.
Overdoing the positivity with excessive gushing, like sunshine that is too intense, can be off-putting.  For the most part though, people who emanate positive vibes feel "warm."  Whether it's your boss, employee, or colleague; your friend, relative, or partner, warm people feel safe to share with, and, like gentle sunshine, radiate good feelings. Their positivity makes you want to talk with them more; they establish good vibes as a relationship standard.

Positive people avoid being critical or argumentative, negating what you say, or responding dismissively to what you say. Those are the habits of negative people. Interacting with someone who is often negative, or being in a group with a leader who sends forth negative words and vibes, can be a downer. Their energy makes others feel insecure, criticized, irritated  or depressed  Time shared with someone who rains toxic energies can be downright unpleasant.
Positive individuals and leaders, by contrast, convey interest in your perspective and well-being, along with agreement, appreciation, humor, and affection.
Subconsciously, the levels of feel-good chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin in your body rise when you hear positive words and phrases, or receive a smile, eye contact, or a pat on the back. By contrast, serotonin levels go down when you interact with someone whose words and body language convey the message, "Stay away!"
Similarly, the energy in the positivity area of your brain,  the left prefrontal lobe, diminishes while the right prefrontal lobe, the locus of negative feelings, increases in energy.
You can decide to be more positive. 
The following a list of sentence starters that launch good vibes. (I'm sure you could add more.) Consider deciding to add more of them to your conversational routine, especially if it feels like your close relationships need a bit of rekindling, and see what happens:
  1. Yes...
    "Yes, going swimming sounds great." ["Yes... but.." has the opposite impact; but negates the positivity of the Yes.]
  2. I agree...
    "I agree that it's too hot to do any exercise other than swimming today."
  3. I appreciate..."I appreciate your willingness to pack a lunch."
  4. Thank you for...
    "Thanks so much for getting me moving. I was stuck on my couch all day."
  5. I like (love, enjoy) ...
    "I like that suit! Looks terrific!" [and to initiate action, "I would like to ..."]
  6. That makes sense to me because...
    "Bringing lunch makes sense to me because the food at the pool is so expensive."
  7. I'm pleased (happy, delighted) that... "I'm pleased that you invited those guys to join us."
  8. Good! (Excellent, Great, Wow, Cool, Terrific, etc.) "Great! Let's hop in the car."
  9. How...?/What...?
    [These open-ended question words convey interest in the other.] "How are you feeling about driving since you hurt your arm?" "What have you heard lately from your Mom?" 
  10. Positive non-verbals.
    Positive words have even more impact when spoken in an enthusiastic tone that conveys genuine interest. Smiles, laughter, playfulness, eye contact, and, with intimates, hugs and other physical expressions of affection also go along way toward generating god feelings.
Of course, every sentence you say need not radiate good vibes.  Eliminate all the negatives though.
Then let yourself  enjoy yourself.  Sprinkle a generous seasoning of positive expressions onto your interactions.  Agreement, appreciation, playful humor, and enthusiasm in your interactions warms your relationships and brightens how people feel when they talk with you, whether you are dealing with a salesman in a store, a co-worker, or a loved one or children at home.
With this habit you can become a positive leader in all your relationships. Emanate positive vibes, even to yourself, and affection and appreciation will return your way. Everyone will enjoy the sunshine!

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