
You Can Turn Around Your Relationship and Make It Better

First things first, You need to realize that you don't have time to be waiting.

What happened? Did he do something wrong? Was it you? How did it happen? Was it also someone else's fault?

And before you even answer any of those questions, ask if he's really compatible with you, and whether you love him or if he loves you or not.

Because I have seen it so many times where two people get together for superficial reasons, but deep inside they're not truly compatible people.

Sometimes couples who come together are two way too different people, and that is why they fail. Ask yourself, what does it truly mean to be compatible partners in love?

First of all, compatibility is key to any successful relationship in all walks of life. This is to say that you and your partner should like most of the same things, yet not be exactly alike.

It is a matter of having sharing the same ideals so when you are spending time together, you are also deepening your personal interests as well as mutually developing new connections together. In fact, if you didn't have a lot of compatibility together, there would be communication and trust issues right from the start and eventually, no matter how many times you go see the counsellor, the relationship would be doomed to failure.

The first decision that you can make after reading this is to really look back and consider if the man you have is really the right guy. When you are dating you want to find someone that is willing to make changes and grow to be with you. But also you have to be willing to change to match him too.

But don't worry too much, differences in a relationship are also part of what makes it work. How quickly do you think you will get bored if you're basically hanging out with a clone of yourself who is the opposite sex?

Differences add to the relationship and it adds the spice to life you'll need to make lasting memories. The truth is it's all about how we manage and cooperate with our differences.

So talk to him about your life together and see if you can make a new vow to be together and work towards the same goals. If there is something that you two are different about, at least it is no longer hidden and you know about it. Then maybe you can change. Or you can just not talk about it, if it's not too important.

Keep questioning your compatibility with your man and you'll really know if you got an ideal match who you can really connect and spend your days with. The trick is to mutually adjust your compatibility. You can be more like him, and he can be more like you, and soon you'll totally have the same interests and goals. But you'll still be two different people.

Talk about to your friends about their boyfriends and you'll know that they face similar problems of compatibility. It's not just you. Everyone has that problem. If you read books on personality traits you'll know that this is scientifically proven.

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