
How To Speak Confidently, Credibly And Influentially

Have you ever felt moved while listening to a charismatic motivational speaker?
If you boil down to one factor what it was that moved you what would that be?
Well likely that the speaker was appealing to you as a human being, that is to your emotional heart. He/She likely awakened the emotions of passion that live in your heart and this is what you then felt erupting out of your chest and flowing throughout your entire being.
What does it take to become such a powerful speaker?
Well quite simply it requires that you, as a speaker speak from the heart!
In other words allow yourself to feel, be inspired and guided by what you genuinely feel in the core of your being.
Now this is not an easy thing to do for several reasons:

1. Most speakers attempt to structure their talks around a well laid out "mental plan" that has nothing to do with the emotional heart.

2. Many speakers are uncomfortable with feeling let alone displaying their emotions in public.

3. There is a huge fear of letting one's self be guided by something that most of society considers fickle, untrustworthy, impulsive, illogical etc.

So how can you deliver an impassioned speech if you're not even feeling the source of that passion yourself? Well pure and simple, you can't!
That relegates your talk to one that is perceived as rigid, flat, boring, dry, uninteresting, forgettable, soporific, and not persuasive and so on.
In order to speak passionately it therefore becomes necessary for you to begin to feel comfortable relying on your core human self or your emotional heart.
Now as I said many individuals are uncomfortable with this largely because during their lives they became conditioned not to feel, express or trust their feelings. The result is that many became what I call "emotionally impaired".
The impairment, which is the cumulative storage of years of negative conditioned beliefs that they carry within, can now be reversed easily, quickly, painlessly and permanently with a new process which has the capacity to bring the mind and body to the service of the emotional and passionate heart.
Another way of saying this is that it will unleash the passionate charismatic speaker that lives and has always lived inside you.

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