
Dating For Introverted Men - Building Rapport With Your Date

Developing good rapport is very important in a date. It helps to build a connection with your date and makes it easier for her to open up to you. The date can soon turn awkward if there is no affinity or rapport between the couple. There are simple ways to building rapport with others. In brief, it involves asking questions, having a open and positive attitude, listening to verbal and non-verbal communications and cues as well as sharing positive feedback. Below are some details on each step towards building good rapport.
1) Ask questions.
 Building rapport is akin to showing genuine interest in somebody. Relax and get to know your date by asking questions not unlike a reporter seeking information for an article. The objective of asking questions is to find common ground with your date or similar areas of interest. Engaging conversation can then follow once there is a common topic of interest between the couple. You can begin by making astute comments on your date's dressing, accessories, hair style or anything that is unique and interesting. The comments should be genuine and sincere. People generally like compliments. Complimenting your date on something about her is a sure-fire way of building instant rapport with your date. Of course, the compliment should be sincere and not sound too artificial or like you are just humouring her. Cheeky comments are best left to dating gurus or experts as they could backfire especially if you are still new to the dating arena.
2) Attitude. 
Putting on your best attitude on your first date is something which you shouldn't need to be told. Women can tell if you have a negative attitude. Snobbish, un-gentlemanly behaviour is a big turn off. Be positive and sincere. Treating people as you would like them to treat you is the first step to building rapport with the other party.
3) Communicate. 
Do encourage your date to share and communicate openly with you. Some people are shy or anxious especially on their first date. Face your date warmly and confidently. Look into her eyes gently and encourage her to open up and share a conversation with a warm smile. Show interest and enthusiasm when she is sharing something. Help her to open up by sharing more about herself. The information that she is sharing could prove useful in your subsequent dates.
4) Listen. 
Related to the point above, actively listen to what your date is sharing and take note of her body language and non-verbal cues. For example, when she folds her arms or sounds upset, it might be a good idea to change the subject. On the other hand, if she is leaning towards you, smiling and laughing at times during your conversation, then Bingo. You have successfully built rapport with your date. Also, don't worry too much and keep thinking about what you want to say next. Listen to what she is saying and take your clues from there. Asking appropriate questions along the way will also help keep her talking. Once rapport is built, you may find it difficult to stop her from continuing talking.

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